- Impact
- Impact
- Annual Impact Reports
- Police Accountability
- Projects
- …
- Impact
- Impact
- Annual Impact Reports
- Police Accountability
- Projects
- Impact
- Impact
- Annual Impact Reports
- Police Accountability
- Projects
- …
- Impact
- Impact
- Annual Impact Reports
- Police Accountability
- Projects
Forms Management Systems:
- This policy outlines procedures for managing CPD documents and forms (unclear what is changing about these forms and documents in the policy)
The policy outlines procedures for requesting a new CPD form, revising CPD forms, automating existing CPD forms, discontinuing existing forms, requests for printing CPD forms, etc.
Automated CPD forms are publicly accessible at directives.chicagopolice.org
- The department will review and, if necessary, revise CPD forms related to use of force, arrests, interactions with individuals in crisis and the disciplinary process annually (unclear how groups involved in the review of these forms engage or involve the public, e.g. does the Force Review Division consider non-CPD perspectives in revising forms related to use of force?)
*Summary adapted by Chicago Global Shapers, 2021.We are an independent civilian group with no affiliation with the Chicago Police Department or any other related entity.Deadline to submit feedback: Saturday, April 17, 2021.
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